Expat & Property Management

Den Haag

Casa in affitto a Den Haag e dintorni

La nostra offerta attuale

Su di noi

Expat & Property Management is the mediation and service provider for tenants and landlords in and around The Hague. We offer our clients a complete service that involves the renting and letting of suitable housing, and offer extra services to expats.

Besides our advising role and our function as rental agent, we offer guidance to expats throughout the relocation process. We help expats to find their way into a new city and thanks to our business partners we can handle fast with the opening of a bank account, insurance, telephone and inform them about neighborhoods, schools, healthcare, shopping, restaurants, sports clubs and all other aspects of life in the Netherlands.

Chi siamo?

Christy van Asten

Agente noleggio

Wouter van Willenswaard

Agente noleggio

Pim de Regt

Agente noleggio

Diana van de Weetering

Agente noleggio

i nostri nuovi immobili

Frankenslag 400

7.900 € per month

Snelliusstraat 31

2.350 € per month

Il nostro ufficio