Getting started with Pararius+
  • Where would you like to live?
  • Any specific wishes?
Where would you like to live?

    With these preferences you can expect around 0 properties per day.

    Any specific wishes?

    You're searching in {city}

    Price per month

    With these preferences you can expect around 0 properties per day.

    Put Pararius+ to work for you

    Stay informed with direct mail alerts.

    Direct notifications

    As soon as we find a match, you will receive an instant mail alert of the posted property instead of all properties collected in one e-mail the next morning. That way, you can be the first to respond.

    Respond with one click

    Create a Rental Profile with essential information such as income and living situation. Respond effortlessly with just one click and instantly send all your specifications to the realtor.

    Know your chances

    Pararius offers plus members insight into the number of responses to properties, so you know exactly how much chance you have of finding a particular property.

    Overview, status and position of your reactions

    A clear page that gives you insight into the status of the properties you have responded to, including the position of your response*.

    *Note: Realtors may use various selection procedures, so your position is not always decisive.

    "Great site, great value for money! This is the second time I used Pararius and found a home. Will always be using it in the future too. Thanks for the great service!"

    - Chayanika

    1. Define your living requirements. We do the rest.

    Place your search, discover the latest offers from estate agents throughout the Netherlands on Pararius, and increase the chances of finding your dream home!

    Receive instant emails with new offers that perfectly match your needs. Let us do the heavy lifting so you can concentrate on selecting the perfect property.

    3. Take the first step towards your new home!

    With Pararius+ you have more insight into how much chance you have of finding a property. Have you found your dream property? Then respond immediately and increase your chance of being invited. Finally, as a plus member you have a clear dashboard in your account with the latest status of the properties you have responded to.

    "I managed to find a home very quickly, thank you so much"

    - Francesco

    Discover the benefits of a personalised search with Pararius+. Start today and take the first step towards your new home.

    Getting started with Pararius+

      With these preferences you can expect around 0 properties per day.

      You're searching in {city}

      Price per month

      With these preferences you can expect around 0 properties per day.

      Put Pararius+ to work for you

      Stay informed with direct mail alerts.

      "Thanks to Pararius Plus, I could find a new house. Great service!"

      - Harry

      About Pararius+

      What is Pararius+?

      Pararius+ is an additional paid service that keeps you directly informed about newly listed properties. This allows you to quickly find out about new homes that meet your search criteria, enabling you to respond faster and increasing your chances of receiving an invitation for a viewing. Plus members gain insight into the number of responses per property and can easily track the status of the properties they have responded to. With our newest feature, the 'Rental Profile,' you can effortlessly share essential information, such as your income and living situation, with the landlord in just one click.

      How long has Pararius+ existed?

      Pararius started in 2006 and is the largest independent housing website in the Netherlands. Pararius+ is an initiative of Pararius and has existed since July 2023.

      What are the benefits of Pararius+?

      People using Pararius+ find a home more quickly thanks to direct notifications for new listings. They also benefit from insights into the number of responses per property and receive an overview of their responses with the latest status. In addition, they can create a Rental Profile with essential information such as income and living situation, allowing them to respond effortlessly with one click and send all their specifications to the landlord instantly.

      When is your customer service available?

      Our customer service is available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. You can always send us an email at [email protected].

      My account

      How can I use Pararius+?

      If you want to use Pararius+ you need an account. You can register if you don't have an account yet, or click on log in.

      Search in your desired city and filter your search criteria. Save this search and choose direct in the frequency of mail alerts. Complete the membership. 

      Now you will be automatically informed of new properties that meet your wishes! Respond quickly to increase your chances of finding your ideal home.

      What does Pararius+ cost?

      Pararius+ offers a trial period of 7 days for €1.00. This allows you to determine if Pararius+ works for you within a week's time. After that, it automatically transitions to a full membership for €29.95 per month.

      Is there a free trial without me being committed to anything?

      There is no free trial. We only charge €1.00 for the first 7 days. After that, Pararius+ costs €29.95 per month.

      How can I cancel my Pararius+ subscription?

      You can cancel the subscription at any time, also within the trail period, with 1 month's notice. For example: If you cancel on July 20, 2024, Pararius+ will end on August 20, 2024.

      Canceling the subscription can be done online in your Pararius account: by logging in, then go to manage subscription. Click on your active subscription, select cancel subscription. The cancellation is completed when you have received a confirmation by e-mail.

      Can I benefit from multiple trial periods if I unsubscribe and re-subscribe at a later date?

      No, unfortunately you can only use the trial period once. After all, it's to see if you are satisfied with Pararius+. So the trial period is a one-off offer. Should you register again at a later date, you will immediately pay the regular monthly subscription fee.

      Why should I create a Pararius+ account?

      With Pararius+ you are the first to discover the latest housing offers, gain insight into the number of responses to properties, easily keep track of the overview and status of your responses and easily respond to properties with just 1 click.

      If you subscribe to Pararius+, you will be informed of new offers faster than home seekers who don't have this feature. They are notified once a day. Pararius+ members are immediately e-mailed when new offers are registered that meet their criteria.

      Why would I want to be one of the first to respond?

      In the current housing market, demand is unfortunately a lot higher than supply. As a result, real estate agents receive many responses to a rental property. To be able to make a choice among the candidates, it happens that the estate agent selects in order of responses. In this case, there can be an advantage to respond quickly (provided you meet the profile the estate agent is looking for).

      I want to respond to a property, do I need a Pararius+ subscription?

      No, you can always respond to properties on Pararius. Pararius+ only ensures that you receive the latest housing offer in your email, immediately after it has been submitted by the estate agent.

      If I cancel Pararius+, can I still make property alerts and receive those in my mail?

      Yes! Pararius always offers the possibility to create property alerts and receive properties by email for free. However, this will be once a day and not every time after new offers are online.

      Can you guarantee that I will find a home with Pararius+?

      We would love to, but unfortunately we can't. Besides the fact that you have to find a property that meets all your requirements, there is always the question of what kind of tenant an agent is looking for the property. This includes, for example, household composition, as well as your income level.

      I have created an account, but I am not receiving emails. Why is that?

      There could be several reasons why you did not receive our confirmation email.

      Possible reasons could be:

      • There is a spelling error in your email address. You can check this by checking if you received our verification email that we always send after you enter your email address
      • Check your spam folder. It is possible that our email(s) ended up there
      • Something went wrong with the payment

      We would be happy to assist you. Mail to [email protected].

      Search queries and email alerts

      How do I create a search?

      You create a search by searching for your desired city and filter on your search criteria. Here you can click on 'save search' at the top right. Here you can choose between daily notifications or instant notifications when a property that matches your search criteria is listed. If you want to receive instant notifications, you will need Pararius+ for this.

      How can I change my search?

      You can find your searches in your Pararius account under the heading 'saved searches'. Here you can view and delete current searches. It is not possible to edit current searches. To create a new search, you will have to search for the desired residence and filter on your search criteria.

      What is the difference between receiving new offers daily or immediately?

      The moment you choose to receive new offers daily, you will receive an email once a day with the latest offer.

      If you choose for Pararius+, you will receive the newest offers immediately. This gives you the opportunity to respond immediately to a property, increasing your chances of being invited for a viewing.


      Once I complete the payment module, will I get properties in my mail right away?

      Yes, but this depends on the offer that becomes available. As soon as a property is placed online that matches your searchcriteria, you will receive an email.

      What payment options are available at Pararius+?

      The following payment options are supported by us:

      • iDEAL
      • Credit card