123Wonen Amersfoort


Vente de logement à Amersfoort et dans les environs

Notre offre actuelle

À propos de nous

Out of 26 branches we mediate in the rental and leasing of properties. For both investors and housing associations, but also for people who want to rent out their property which is on sale. Through our wide range of offices 123wonen can serve you when renting or letting one or more buildings in the Netherlands.

We provide temporarily rent or untemporarily rent. You can choose between basic rent, furnished or upholstered. As an owner of a home you will always have a tenant who is extensively screened through background checks, multiple credit checks and identify checks to prevent housing fraud. For tenants it is important that we support them in finding their dream home. Please feel free to contact us.

Nos derniers logements


2 495 € par mois


2 195 € par mois


4 250 € par mois

Groen van Prinsterersingel

2 695 € par mois


3 450 € par mois

Albert Schweitzersingel

1 695 € par mois


1 800 € par mois


2 000 € par mois

Notre bureau