As a reputable firm with limb partnerships of the NVM and MVA there is a reputation to uphold. Thanks to a good, broad organization and years of experience, we do that too.
Our searchers every day via different methods such as mail, fax, e-mail feature the latest offerings. We draw from our own NVM exchange system, in newspapers and via our extensive personal network. Should it come to a purchase, we want to achieve a pleasant 'homecoming feeling. " Through a comprehensive checklist all relevant factors be examined to arrive at an informed purchase.
When selling your property, we want to ensure a fast, flexible transaction. Here is an extensive resume of your building part of it. Any prospective buyer is well informed and we pick up during the negotiations the bottom of the barrel.
Our firm also has extensive experience in the First Amsterdam Real Estate Auction. A typical Amsterdam slice of the market. We can be found weekly to also demand in this field and offer to bring together as much as possible.
In the interest of all these activities we have daily contact with notaries, City Housing Service Amsterdam, heritage conservation, the environmental, the cadastre and numerous other organizations.
We all do because we like you as well as possible.