Oei Housing Amsterdam - Expat Apartments


Vente de logement à Amsterdam et dans les environs

Notre offre actuelle

À propos de nous

Please contact us by email or WhatsApp (Always provide us with your WhatsApp phone number).

Videos of most of the apartments are available on the estate agent's website.

Are you interested in an apartment offered by Oei Housing?
Best to do this first:
Go to the estate agent's website, and fill in the SEARCH PROFILE. With your details, we can see which apartment is suitable for you.

You need to know this:

  • Tenants do not pay any fees to Oei Housing, we get paid by the owners of the rental properties.

  • On your website you can let us know what you're looking for, using the online search profile. After, we will see if your profile matches one or more of the apartments. Go to our website and select Search Profile in the top right.

  • On our own website, you can see other apartments, with more photos and professional videos.

  • We can show apartments virtually using Facetime and Whatsapp video.

  • Each tenant will get full support when renting an apartment. This includes support with connecting to utility companies (gas, electricity, water, and internet).

  • Requirements when renting an apartment: Your Bruto=gross income should be 3x the rent (excluding utilities). So if the rent is € 1.500 excl. utilities per month, your Bruto income should be at least € 4.500.

  • Utilities: because of the war in Ukraine, energy prices start at around € 200 per month for a small apartment. Take this into account when you determine your total rental budget.

  • We (sometimes) support students or trainees if the parents can show sufficient financial capacity. Parents can also pay rent in advance (minimum 4 months).

  • The deposit is always 2 months.

  • You can register yourself at the city hall unless differently as mentioned before.

  • Always READ the descriptions thoroughly.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Alwin Oei

Agent de location

Nos derniers logements

Keizersgracht 217 G

4 500 € par mois

Arent Janszoon Ernststraat 149

2 950 € par mois

1e Kekerstraat 37

2 400 € par mois

Loosduinenstraat 63 3

3 500 € par mois

Willem Parelstraat 240

2 500 € par mois

Prinsengracht 675 1

6 500 € par mois

Plantage Kerklaan 61

3 250 € par mois

Notre bureau