HouseHunting Eindhoven


Vente de logement à Eindhoven et dans les environs

Notre offre actuelle

À propos de nous

The company profile of House hunting Eindhoven

HouseHunting real estate agency is a young and dynamic organisation in the southern area on the Netherlands specialized in rental accommodations for short and long rental periods. Other working areas are house management and Corporate Housing management.

The rental houses offered by House Hunting are almost always directly available and in soft furnished or furnished condition for a quick moving in.

Every move is a different move, and we understand that success depends on our ability to deal with every eventuality. We believe in getting everything right, we want client relationships which are built on confidence and trust. Most of all, we want client relationships that will last.

Qui sommes-nous ?


Agent de location

Nos derniers logements


1 695 € par mois


1 745 € par mois

de Elzas

1 450 € par mois


966 € par mois

Prins Hendrikstraat

433 € par mois


2 100 € par mois


925 € par mois


925 € par mois


1 525 € par mois

Notre bureau