Rotsvast Leeuwarden


Vente de logement à Leeuwarden et dans les environs

Notre offre actuelle

À propos de nous

At our branches throughout the Netherlands, our team does their utmost to help you find suitable accommodation. We offer an excellent insight into the real estate market and can use our extensive network so that you benefit from a large and diverse range of homes. If you want to rent or sell your property, then you have come to the right place. For more than 30 years we have been specialized and market leader in property rental and property management. We are your partner for professional and carefree rental of your property(s) and offer you personal service and a dedicated team that has broad knowledge of the real estate market. Our strength? Facilitate a carefree experience for you.

Nos derniers logements


365 € par mois


625 € par mois


354 € par mois


300 € par mois


1 900 € par mois

Notre bureau