Sol Makelaardij

Son en Breugel

Vente de logement à Son en Breugel et dans les environs

Notre offre actuelle

À propos de nous

Sol Makelaardij BV is a concept in Son and Breugel and surrounding areas for sale, purchase, valuations and advice regarding real estate.

We are a team that is perfectly matched to each other and can be held 24/7 when it comes to sales, purchase, valuations, mortgages, transfers, succession, divorce and advice. Our team consists of a Register Broker-Taxateur, Register Assistant Broker and Assisitent Broker. Our office has been active in the real estate since 1973 and was founded by Jan Sol.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Eva en Valerie

Courtier assistant

Koen Sol

Courtier en ventes immobilières

Notre bureau