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Met Ons Makelaars Valkenswaard


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À propos de nous

Met Ons Makelaars: at home in your area.

Met Ons Makelaars is there to help you buy or sell your house in Valkenswaard, Waalre, Heeze-Leende, De Kempen and Eindhoven. Make the match with us.

We compare buying a new home with entering into a new friendship or relationship. You are looking for the perfect match, not just now, but also for the future. You must first know what is important to you. Of course, the plot area is something to play into, but your living happiness is determined by things such as 'space to live', 'the sun in your garden' or 'a neighborhood where you meet new friends'. At Met Ons Makelaars we understand that. We like to work with, and for people. This is how we make the ideal match between buyer and seller.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Olaf Rekoert


Roel Olde Engberink

Courtier évaluateur

Peter Smolders

Courtier évaluateur

Notre bureau