Verhoef Vastgoed


viviendas en alquiler en Amsterdam y periferia

Nuestras ofertas actuales

Acerca de nosotros

Do you own a house and want to hire it?

Verhoef Vastgoed knows just the right entrances and candidates. Using her extended network and right websites. She leads you through the tangle of rules, requirements and contracts. So, you can be at ease to start a successful enterprise.

If you do not only want to find the right party, but also to outsource the whole management, Verhoef Vastgoed is the right choice. From fixing defects at the house to collecting the rent, Verhoef Vastgoed makes your hiring enterprise a carefree revenue source.

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Gerente de oficina

Nuestros listados recientes

Paul Krugerstraat

1.500 € per month


4.500 € per month


2.950 € per month

Nuestra ubicación