Klok Real Estate


Immobilienvermietung in Amsterdam und in der Nähe

Unser aktuelles Angebot

über uns

You wish to rent out or sell your house or you wish to buy or rent one?

then . . .

you have come to the right place.

We are specialized in renting or purchasing houses for expatriates. We attach great importance to a personal approach, provide customized services and cater to your specific needs.

You can rely on our expertise, quality and complete services.
You've come to the right place for a transparent and project guidance. It's all about proper handling of your interests.

We represent only your interests, give you independent advice and are especially - in this digital age - an expert in personal guidance for from A to Z.

Wer sind wir?

Paula Willemse


Unsere neuesten Immobilien


2.850 € per month

D.L. Hudigstraat

2.995 € per month

Nida Senffstraat

2.350 € per month

Unsere Festung