Nieuw West Makelaardij BV


Immobilienvermietung in Amsterdam und in der Nähe

Unser aktuelles Angebot

über uns

Nieuw-West covers 20% of the territory of Amsterdam. Given its favorable location in relation to the center, Schiphol, nature reserves and the A10, it is only logical that this district is growing enormously in popularity. The level of facilities and the spacious layout also contribute to the attractiveness of the residential area. Nieuw West Makelaardij knows the neighborhood like the back of its hand, our name is no coincidence. Nieuw West Makelaardij knows what is for sale.

Wer sind wir?

Hans Huijg


Joyce Florindo Duarte


Sandra ten Napel

Kaufmännischer angestellter

Unsere neuesten Immobilien

H. Diesveldsingel 196

2.750 € per month

Unsere Festung