Wooncompany Den Haag

Den Haag

Immobilienvermietung in Den Haag und in der Nähe

Unser aktuelles Angebot

über uns

The more than 5,000 properties that WoonCompany has mediated over the course of 15 years have provided a broad experience, which allows you to choose for WoonCompany as a smart option.

With its experience, WoonCompany is able to guarantee the property owner a correct rental valuation, a solid mediator and an extensive local network. The prospective tenant in the same way is ensured correct information, running costs and a rental price in line with the market. This is not contradictory; in fact, these two are compatible. Therefore, either renting or letting, in both cases WoonCompany is of service.

For more information on our services and assistance, please contact us directly.

Wer sind wir?

Kai van Hese


Dax Bakhuizen


Rits Douwes


Rutger Verbunt

Register makler schätzer

Sander Hoeve


Yvette van Pijlen

Kaufmännischer angestellter

Unsere neuesten Immobilien

Arnold Spoelplein 81 B

1.124 € per month

Denneweg 14

2.450 € per month

Unsere Festung