NVM Makelaarskantoor G. Kok


Immobilienvermietung in Rotterdam und in der Nähe

Unser aktuelles Angebot

über uns

NVM Makelaarskantoor G. Kok is almost 50 years active in Rotterdam. The specialism of our office is the guidance for our clients with the selling and/or buying of houses at the north-side of Rotterdam. The letting of properties in this area is also a part of our services.

Our office is well know for our year-long experience, the knowledge of the area as well the active and personal guidance of our brokers.

For more information also see: www. gkok. nl.

Wer sind wir?

Roderik Klarenbeek


Mariel de Reus


Jolanda van der Weijden

Kaufmännischer angestellter

Laila van Meel

Assistenz makler

Unsere Festung