Perfect Rent


Immobilienvermietung in Rotterdam und in der Nähe

Unser aktuelles Angebot

über uns

Perfect Rent - Letting people enjoy real estate.

As a real estate company, we are here for you. With us, you rent with ease, rent out with confidence, and have your property managed so it is ready for today and the future.

In 2010 , Tobias started Perfect Rent from his student room with one clear goal: to better serve tenants and landlords. The commitment to continuous improvement remains in our DNA to this day.

At Perfect Rent, we believe in the valuable role we can play as a real estate company in the lives of the people we work with. We aim to provide people not just a place to live, work, or invest in, but a place which they can truly enjoy - now and in the future.

Our philosophy is simple: treat others well, and goodness will come back.

Unsere neuesten Immobilien


1.072 € per month

Philips Willemstraat

1.900 € per month

Unsere Festung