DAAN makelaardij B.V.


Our current offerings

About us

Often people think the name "DAAN" that go over a man, that is not true . . . My name is Danielle de Jong, I was born in the West Frisian town of Hoorn and raised in Almere.

From a young age I knew that the brokerage was my calling. And this dream where I was able to do with law. In 2004 I graduated, and I immediately could start my career in real estate.

Young and enthusiastic, at 21 years been working as a broker in Almere and a new dream soon came to realize: own business in real estate.

To achieve this dream, I had to build first experience. After 4.5 years the economic crisis came with the realization that not everything goes without a hitch, I switched to the other side of the property: social housing. Also this side of the market offered many opportunities to build more knowledge and experience.

In addition to my full time job as a residential counselor, the housing corporation, I went to work on developing my goal.

DAAN Brokerage

The name was not hard to come up with, it had to be something catchy, which I could recognize myself. The people who know me see me as a social organizational base, with a passion for people, planning and organizing. These people call me AFFECTED.

The concept of DAAN Brokerage is based on the service as we "used" knew, because previously it was all so bad.

The brokers were confidential, provided comprehensive services, were personally and actively. The introduction of the Internet is today's real estate agent has become very dependent on this awesome interactive medium. But because the Internet is the personal contact very reduced.

"Previously, the customer came first cozy with the broker on the coffee before the search began for the dream home. The agency continued to support them from the first nip in at the coffee by the notary. Now? Now there is no one, the broker is the Senseo (useful those little sachets that do not spoil as quickly, the coffee is always fresh . . . ) and the customer has also purchased a Senseo. "

DAAN brokerage goes with the Internet era, coupled with the good of the past, which is centrally personal guidance.






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