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Makelaarskantoor Carla van den Brink


Properties for rent in Amsterdam and area

Our current offerings

About us

Agency Carla van den Brink has been active since 1979 in the housing market in and around Amsterdam. Personal attention, trust, integrity and quality are good words that characterize our style. A personal relationship with our clients based on mutual trust is our starting point. In addition, we strive for a high degree of care and high-quality service. Whether you are looking for a small apartment in a thriving location or an exclusive villa.


Pieter Joep van den Brink

Real estate agent

Hellen Groen- de Leijer

Real estate agent

Our latests listings

Noorderstraat 42

€8,000 per month

George Gershwinlaan 83 D

€4,250 per month

ms. van Riemsdijkweg 182

€6,500 per month

Keizersgracht 633 C

€3,200 per month

Herengracht 446 B

€14,000 per month

Herengracht 446 A

€18,000 per month

Our location