Census Real Estate


Properties for rent in Eindhoven and area

Our current offerings

About us

Since a number of years, Perrée & Partners initiates real estate projects with focus on residencies in the ´starters segment´ of the market: people looking for their first home.

There is a shortage of around 200.000residencies in the Netherlands, which for the main part is composed of these starters residencies. Driven by the demographic developments, the increase of small family households, the little space for construction and the high population density (400/km2), this shortage is of continuous kind.

Perrée & Partners has broad expertise to manage a real estate project from the initial concept phase to final delivery. Our own back office and maintenance department manages the maintenance and administration of the objects. This provides an active management using a clear hands-on approach.

Our latests listings


€1,550 per month


€1,495 per month

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