Brick Brokers


Properties for rent in Hilversum and area

Our current offerings

About us

Brick Brokers for Living in 't Gooi area! After years of experience in the real estate business the real estate brokers of Brick Brokers have opened the doors their own office. Besides our selling and buying activities we are specialised in rental properties and the management ofrental proerties in the Gooi area and surroundings. Please feel free to surf from Pararius to our own website and take a close look at all our rental property listings. If you have any questions or might be interested in a certain home or apartment for rent please feel free to give us a call, send us an e-mail or to make an appointment with one of our professional real estate brokers.

Best regards,

The Brick Brokers Team

Our latests listings

Kapelstraat 31

€841 per month

's-Gravelandseweg 68 2

€1,285 per month

Oud-Loosdrechtsedijk 251 t

€1,400 per month

Our location